A Conservative Minority
I think I like that. I’ll be honest, anything would’ve been better than the Liberals. I agree with much of their policy platforms, but they’re terrible at implementing it, and pretty much just waste money. I understand that governments fundamentally waste money… but the Liberals didn’t seem to care.
I don’t agree with everything the Conservatives stand for, but with any luck their common sense policy will be supported by the Bloc Quebecois while their ‘scary’ platforms will be blocked. I’m not entirely sure what ‘scary’ constitutes. They’ve promised to leave abortion alone. I’m not fond of abortion, but don’t figure it’s worth fighting for. I don’t understand why people oppose gay marriage, and anytime I ask a respected conservative what’s wrong with gay marriage, they just say it’s ‘wrong’ and say it leads to other evils without any real facts to back that up.
I like the idea of a senate that isn’t appointed by the PM. I like the idea of every vote in parliament being a free vote (and yes, a free vote includes the cabinet ministers!). I like the idea of giving people money to spend on programmes of their choice, rather than simply setting up a programme and hoping it’ll work. And, I like that Americans might respect our PM. Canadians and Americans are 99% the same. To have a PM who is anti-American, who focuses on the 1% difference… doesn’t seem like a good way to deal with the most cooperative sovereign nations ever.
A lot of people are probably going to be nervous about a federal party working closely with a separatist party. I think, ironically, this will weaken the Bloc Quebecois. Stephen Harper has promised more power to the provinces, and, well, the BQ only exists to gain more autonomy for Quebec. If the Conservatives give Quebeckers what whey want, then they don’t need the BQ. If the Conservatives offer Quebeckers what they want and the BQ block them… then they don’t need the BQ. It’s win win. Even if the BQ dissolves, surely it’s not a bad thing if they made Quebec stronger. (And hopefully the rest of Canada too!)