Democracy vs The World
I have a sneaking suspicion that my generation may see the end of Democracy As We Know It. I kind of hope I’m wrong, and it’s tough to tell what would replace it entirely.
Even as Afghanistan has completed their first election ever, Iraq is preparing for their first ‘free’ election and Ukraine has demonstrating they won’t tolerate crooked politics, there is a certain ennui falling over democracy in North America. I know we didn’t invent democracy, but I’ve got a feeling that if we give it up, it’s not going to last long anywhere else.
Of course, it’s tough to say exactly at what point democracy ceases to exist. Certainly we vote for our representatives, and they make the laws. In Canada we currently have a Prime Minister who is theoretically in complete control, though he didn’t receive the support of a majority of Canadians. (I like to call that ‘Prime Minister Lite’.) So, is ANY decision he makes technically democratic? He doesn’t have the backing of a majority, just the backing of more than anyone else. Is that democracy?
In the USA there is a lot of talk that George Bush Jr won his second election as president because a great portion of the electorate was uneducated and ill-informed. True or false, their vote counts, doesn’t it? Should people meet minimum requirements before they can vote? Who sets those requirements?
In the European Union, they are wrangling with choosing the leaders of the whole Union. I’m not as familiar with that process as I am with Canadian/American politics, but I have heard that EU officials are not being selected by European citizens, but rather by other people in charge. Who will all these people be accountable to?
Of course, there is the United Nations, the biggest democratic dichotomy of them all. They routinely hold votes (which is good), however, their electorate contain scores of people who are not accountable to their own nation’s citizens. People who are there because their people CAN’T vote, and yet they get to vote.
Well, it’s good that the UN considers every nation equal. Otherwise, who’s going to come up with the criteria that one nation is better than another? And it’s not a great idea for the UN to enforce a specific governmental form on a country, what works for one group of people will be a disaster for another.
However, how can you let someone vote if they themselves don’t believe in voting?
The UN can only survive its schizophrenia for so long. This has to be treated, or the UN will fall apart. Perhaps the time for the UN is past: if the entire world were democratic, we’d get along without a forced forum. If the world eschews democracy as a whole, then the UN can’t work anyway.
Of course, for Democracy to decline, something has to replace it. I can’t imagine dictators taking over the ‘mature’ democracies. Of course, a few subtle moves, and you can create a dictatorship that certainly LOOKS like democracy. Hitler pulled a trick like that.
What’s more likely is a circle of ‘elites’ will manoeuvre to ensure that selection is limited, so that while people are voting, it ultimately doesn’t matter. Whether or not people catch on might be immaterial. If our leaders do a good job, it’s hard to argue with them. If our leaders do a bad job, they know they’ll be out on their ass.
I don’t think this is a better solution, but certainly the idea of a leader for life/until you screw up has merit. I think that the downfall of democracy is having to get elected means making promises that don’t make sense: great leaders have to compromise their way to power, and are handcuffed from really using it.
One effective leader can supplant democracy. The question is: what comes next?
The civilised world was once democratic, and then lost it. It can happen again.