Charlotte vs. The World
Using the Spotlight vs. Attention Getting I-Told-You-Sos
Okay, all you know-it-alls out there who predicted a disaster in New Orleans, you can shut up now. It’s one thing to discover something, it’s quite something else to get someone to listen. If you’re right, then it’s up to you to get someone to listen.
Having said that, everyone who can prove they knew New Orleans was doomed, you have a golden opportunity. You HAVE the attention of people who would otherwise ignore you. Brush off that other report, about how a 8.2 quake is coming to level Los Angeles. Or find that report that talks about Boston’s preparedness for a big hurricane. There are other disasters waiting to happen to cities that are not prepared. If you know which cities have been tempting fate for too long, LET US KNOW.
We’re done blaming people for New Orleans. Anyone who knew it was coming but couldn’t get anyone to believe them is as culpable as someone who has 8 million other pressing concerns but overlooked it. It’s time to prepare for the next disaster, to ensure the next disaster doesn’t come.
If LA, New York or Chicago is wiped out, it’s the fault of anyone who saw it coming. Not anyone who didn’t.