Charlotte vs. The World
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
  Char vs. Gas Prices Hey, Geniuses!

I can’t believe these gas stations that don’t have their prices up on their big fancy signs, but rather put them up on some tiny sign at the side of the road. Why? Because they’ve only got room for three digits on the sign, and now gas prices are four digits.

I’ve got a solution:

Drop the fucking fraction of a cent and move the decimal place over.

Quite honestly, if I’m paying 103.5 cents, I’m probably just as happy to pay $1.04. Look, only three digits. You can use your old sign, and we don’t have to worry about the extra… what… 25 cents that .whatever adds on to the final $50+ price. 
These are my ideas. Love them or hate them, but never ignore them.

Location: Canada
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